Cottage also has skills, "World of Warcraft" Knock hand tour which attract more than 600 million 

Cottage also has skills, according to foreign media reports, the well-known tour operators hand Gameloft released their cottage version of "World of Warcraft" mobile game "Chaos and Order" is over a month, the game platform has received the iOS praise, mainly Gameloft's ability to replicate too well, PC platform, "World of Warcraft" experience wow gold)good copy to the mobile platform. 

Apple App Store game in the first week of on-line list has been dominated by the first, Gameloft today announced the "chaos and order" on line 20-day total sales have exceeded 100 million dollars, or about 6.48 million yuan. 

As the mobile game maker Gameloft, the visual effects on the skill is not a small studio can match. "Chaos and Order" Gameloft has always been to maintain a high level, 3D character models and backgrounds are excellent, rich sound effects and background BGM is also very impressive, the whole without losing maker style. 

Be noted that "chaos and order" only the corresponding iPhone 3GS or iTouch 3 on behalf of the above models, the iPhone4 and iPad will optimize the effect of the retina. After landing the game players can choose to race and create your own game character, custom appearance (including gender, hair, skin and face) and make sure you can enter the job after the birth to start the game.Although the four major race, but in fact was born only two humans and elves in the pastoral forest, orcs and undead in the hot sun of the land. Official has revealed that more race debut, so if you insist on playing down the case, the future may be able to see what the dwarves and tauren. 

For the operational aspects of the touch with a more traditional form of four-way controller plus the virtual keys, the overall feel quite satisfactory, but the screen size of the many restrictions still insurmountable, from this perspective, the iPad to play with a larger screen than the iPhone or iTouch is good, or at least more open view, the key is not so crowded, no matter Daguai or PK are more advantages, the only drawback is the weight 

Gameloft released their cottage version of "World of Warcraft" mobile game "Chaos and Order" To celebrate this milestone, Gameloft announced it will bring the game to which the first free upgrade. Update expected to be launched in late June, including a large number of new tasks and different languages ​​to serve the special chat channels and services. Gameloft also plans to create more game modes to extend the life cycle, including the new copy and PVP Arena. 

Also commented on the media, on-line sales of $ 1,000,000 20 days only game gold absorption capacity of the initial performance, because the game is priced at $ 6.99, including three months of free game time, and if after a free period,Players need to pay service fees, monthly cards $ 0.99, $ 1.99 quarter cards, six cards are $ 2.99. This also means that to three months after the "chaotic order" command also will bring a steady stream of income. 
Chinese-developed mobile game "Harry Potter" formally launched 
Recently, the Chinese-developed mobile game "Harry Potter" formally launched, triggering a burst of Korean media ridiculed. Korean media said that China does have a lot of the strength of large companies, but these companies will only "false" before the name over the name of the game or movie, and South Korea and many European and American online gaming cottage system, there is no innovation. Korean media said, is such a game has nothing to do with the original, but also dare claim to be "Harry Potter" would be utterly laugh 

The article by prince wing information technology sales department to write
The company website: diablo 3 gold) gold)
Time: August 24,2011
Location: New York